Booking new clients - simplified.

Now arranging a time with a new client is as simple as chatting online

  • Step 1:

    Member requests an appointment regarding a specific service. This is sent to you via chat in the Conversations section of your account.

  • Step 2:

    Once you’ve agreed on a date and time, send a booking confirmation to the member.

  • Step 3:

    Select a date and time. (Click this button on the bottom right.) Make sure that you select the right service (since this determines the rate they are charged). This step is key if you want your payment to be processed. And it also means the member will get a reminder prior to the appointment!

  • Step 4:

    Confirm the date and time that you and your new client discussed.

  • Step 5:

    Once that’s complete - a confirmation will appear in conversation with the member. Both you and the member will also get a reminder. Funds will be automatically deducted once the appointment is completed.


I can’t seem to confirm the booking with a member chat.

If you have not created a Service Card with a price, you won’t be able to confirm a booking. This is because we are deducting funds directly from the member’s spending account - and therefore, without a service card, you cannot confirm the booking via chat.

How do I reschedule a confirmed booking?

You’ll need to cancel existing booking & then re-confirm booking based on new agreed to timing.

How will I know that an appointment has been requested?

You will be notified via email & within the app (if you’ve installed on your mobile device) that a service appointment has been requested.

How will I know if I haven’t responded to a member yet?

Any requests that have not been responded to you will be in the ‘Unattended’ section.

What if my new client doesn’t show up?

Remember, a booking confirmation must be sent to the member… this will remind them of your appointment time and prevent no shows. However; if your new client gets lost or still doesn’t show up, please reach out to reschedule.

I have a cancellation policy of 24 hrs prior - how do I manage that with League members?

Please ensure that in your chat response time disclaimer you mention any cancellation policy you have. It’s helpful for this to be included in your overall profile as well. Please note: we will waive the cancellation fee if the booking is requested & confirmed by you in less than 24hrs.

When do I get paid?

After the appoint is complete, you will be sent payment for the service within 48 hrs.

If a member calls me for an appointment - do I have to confirm via chat?

Not at all! We like to think the chat is easier as it automatically deducts & reminds you both of the appointment, but if you prefer to do this old-school via phone - go for it!

What if I have to refund a member?

Chat with Customer Care in League - reach out for Help and we’ll be happy to assist you!