We are happy to announce that we've updated and improved our Marketplace categories to help you better describe your business. We've added new categories and refined others. This will help our members find your services as well as ensure that your products and services are covered - depending on the members' specific benefits plan.
We recommend that you update your categories in the business profile section of your League profile, and then you can update your services once you've been validated!
You can download a PDF that explains the new/revised categories. Also, don't forget our FAQ and tutorials available for you!
Making sure to list the type of services your clinic provides means your name will come up when members are searching by service type—think naturopathy, acupuncture, RMT and more. It’s like SEO simplified!
League Inc.
MaRS Centre, West Tower, 661 University Ave., Suite 1220
League is a trademark of League, Inc